For many parents, the prospect of leaving your child at nursery for the first time can be daunting.

This is why at Maybury Montessori we give you and your child as much time as you need to feel at home.

Before the official starting date we will invite you and your child to come and settle in. This settling in period is not only to give your child the chance to gain happy anticipations of what there is to come but also offers the opportunity for us to learn from you as much as we can about your child.

Maybury Montessori is designed to feel as much like home as possible. Our teachers are a dedicated team who are passionate about what they do, their main aim being to give each child confidence and a love of learning.



Maybury Montessori is a safe world for children to explore and be themselves. Our  children and teachers follow the three principles of our caring code:

Be kind and gentle
Listen well
Use your words

Which leads us to all the positive qualities in life; compassion, respect for others, patience and a love of looking outwards into the world.